We are here for you: to assure that every student's voice in every section can be heard.
We will approach you, but we also encourage you to approach us if there is something you think can be done to have a positive impact on the students' lives on campus.
Get in touch with us or directly with one of the elected Committee Heads to have a direct impact on life at school!
Currently, our main goal is to support each committee in completing its objectives. Make sure that the students(you) know what we have achieved by addressing progress on our social media platforms, posters around the school, assemblies and the Student Council website. At the same time, tacking in concerns and feedback to improve our student council, from the Student Council suggestion box, Student Council Instagram private message and surveys and so forth.
Since April, we have had a smooth transition between the previous and our current student council. We made more use of the Student Council by posting more information on events, updates, surveys ans so on. We have held multiple meetings within the Student Council and with the school's management, discussing ideas on what is best for the students. As well as assisting each committee on starting their projects. For example, setting up and organizing events and grotto with the events committee, changing food menus with the student life committee, recruiting members in each committee.